Rose Petal Gin

Gin and tonic are a perfect liaison. Roses stand for youth, infatuation and beauty. All three combined result in a taste explosion and an incredibly delicious Rose Petal Gin. Suitable for Valentine’s Day, for a wedding or for any other day that should be special. Maybe not necessarily already in the afternoon at 4 o’clock! In which? I really enjoyed the gin and tonic creation after the shoot.


Duration: 10 minutes

Difficulty: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪
Rosenblüten-Gin mit Gin Nr. 6 von Inge und der Honigbär © Alexandra Gorsche
Rosenblüten-Gin mit Gin Nr. 6 von Inge und der Honigbär © Alexandra Gorsche



  1. Put the ice cubes in a glass and pour in the gin.
  2. Fill in the rose water, afterwards the tonic.
  3. Finally place the rose petals on top. Cheers!


The botanicals are vanilla and cherry. Vanilla originally comes from Mexico, but is now mainly grown in Madagascar. It has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and fungicidal effect and has a soothing effect on skin diseases. In the past, it was also prescribed for insomnia. The sour cherry is a hybrid of different types of cherry and comes from the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor and the North Caucasus. meanwhile it can be found in almost the entire northern hemisphere. They contain a lot of vitamin C, B vitamins and folic acid. It also contains many minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium. Thus, it has a positive effect on the immune system.


The gin no. 6 by Inge und der Honigbär with Vanilla & Cherry is perfect for a rose petal gin.

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