Chive Dip

Freshly harvested chives simply taste best and you always have them in a herb pot when you need them. A herb pot is worth it, because chives go well with a variety of dishes, which they spice up with their spicy and slightly hot aroma. Be it in a soup, with appetizers or in sauces or dips.

The chive dip goes wonderfully with potato chips, with vegetable patties or with roasted vegetables.


Duration: 10 minutes


Difficulty: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪
Schnittlauch-Dip © Alexandra Gorsche
Schnittlauch-Dip © Alexandra Gorsche


  • 250 grams of sour cream
  • 150 g crème fraîche
  • 1 bunch of chives
  • Salt pepper



  1. Mix the sour cream and crème fraîche together.
  2. Finely chop the chives and stir into the sour cream.
  3. Season with salt & pepper.

It doesn’t always have to be chives. The dip can be wonderfully implemented with other herbs such as thyme, marjoram, oregano and many other herbs, depending on taste.

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