Roasted chicken liver

In the spirit of holistic recycling and zero waste, we conjure up a tasty little starter from offal or chicken liver. We serve the roasted chicken liver still warm on toasted bread, gladly also on farmhouse bread.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Difficulty: ⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪
Gebratene Hühnerleber © Alexandra Gorsche
Gebratene Hühnerleber © Alexandra Gorsche


  • chicken liver from pasture-raised chicken
  • 1 red onion
  • cranberry jam or grape jelly
  • olive oil
  • thyme
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. Finely chop onion and fry in olive oil.
  2. Cut chicken liver into small pieces.
  3. Heat oil and sauté onion until translucent.
  4. Add chicken liver and fry lightly.
  5. Season with thyme, salt & pepper.
  6. Arrange on freshly toasted bread and serve warm.
  7. Serve with cranberry jam or grape jelly.
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