Wild garlic pesto

Before I show you my recipe for a wild garlic pesto, let me tell you a little about wild garlic. Wild garlic is an herb that is native to Europe, Asia and North America. It grows mainly in spring and is often found in forests and along riverbanks. Wild garlic is not only incredibly tasty, but also very healthy. Wild garlic contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and is even said to have an antibacterial effect. Wild garlic is also known by other names, such as wild garlic or forest garlic.

If you’ve never tried wild garlic, you definitely should! It adds a delicious spice to dishes and can be used in many different recipes. Wild garlic pesto goes very well with pasta and gnocchi. A spoonful of wild garlic pesto also adds an aromatic flavour to a classic vinaigrette. It is a delicious spread for toasted white bread and harmonises with cheese. Mixed with yoghurt and sour cream, you get a strong, green barbecue sauce.

You can also preserve wild garlic for up to a year if you go out into the woods to look for it yourself. But enough chatting – let’s start with the recipe!


Preparation time: 15 minutes

Difficulty: ⚫⚪⚪⚪⚪
Bärlauch-Pesto © Alexandra Gorsche
Bärlauch-Pesto © Alexandra Gorsche


  • 200 g wild garlic
  • 25 g pine nuts
  • 25 g parmesan
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • pepper
  • 150-250 ml olive oil


  1. Wash the wild garlic. Spin dry in a salad spinner or pat dry.
  2. Then chop the wild garlic and salt in the Thermomix on speed 10 until you have a fine pulpy mixture. Keep pushing down with the scraper in between.
  3. Fry the pine nuts in a frying pan without oil until lightly brown.
  4. Add the pine nuts, oil, pepper and Parmesan to the wild garlic. Mix until you get a creamy consistency.
  5. If the pesto is too thick, add more oil.
  6. Season to taste and add more salt if necessary.
  7. Pour into prepared, boiled and sterilised jars with screw lids. Keep tapping on a folded tea towel to release the air.
  8. Leave an approx. 1.5 cm rim at the top. Wipe with a kitchen towel if necessary.
  9. Cover with the oil so that no more bear’s garlic peeks out.

You can also freeze the finished pesto in portions to preserve it. The pine nuts can be replaced by sunflower seeds or various types of nuts if necessary, and you can also experiment with other types of oil and cheese to achieve different flavours.

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